Parity and Pigeons - Konigsberg
Orientation Clip
Explore Konigsberg: Konigsberg map
Konigsberg Construction: Add and remove bridges to Konigsberg
Building Bridges: Districts, not bridges, handout
Konigsberg Interactive: Help a monster cross the bridges of Konigsberg
Konigsberg Tweak Interactive: Help a monster cross the bridges of Konigsberg, but now add and remove bridges!
Messy Monsters: Some Monsters offer insight
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 1: Overview
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 10: Mathematical Notes: Disconnected cities
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 2: Be an explorer
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 3: Tweaking the problem
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 4: Simple cases
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 5: Turning the problem on its head
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 6: Laugh
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 7: Mathematical Notes: Why Konigsberg is impossible
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 8: Mathematical Notes: Adding or removing one bridge
Konigsberg Orientation Clip 9: Mathematical Notes: Why where we start is important
Konigsberg Intro: Introduces the Bridges of Konigsberg problem.
Konigsberg Tweak: Exploring changes to the Bridges of Konigsberg problem.
Try Some Monsters: Where to find insight into the Bridges of Konigsberg problem?
Monsters In Konigsberg & Domino Intro: Monsters take to the streets of Konigsberg to help solve the famous problem. Then, a new problem is introduced, involving a chessboard and dominoes.
Next map: Dominoes and Chessboard